Healthy Cats
We take the health of the Maine Coon breed very serious, we also also take pride in the well being of our own cats.
Foundation Breeding
Carefully selected North American and Canadian blood lines, in order to widen the gene pool and improve hybrid vigor.
On-Site Veterinarian
Here at PrairieBaby we have an on-site veterinarian to ensure all cats are healthy at all times and ready to go to their new homes.
About PrairieBaby
We breed first and foremost for show, we do sell to pet people and most of the kittens or young adults are show quaility. We encourage even pet buyers to consider trying out showing in the kitten classes and then onto the alter classes, it can be a lot of fun.
There is a lot of breeders out there, that you will never see at a show and they will tell you they don’t have cats/kittens that like to show, or they don’t have time. I would like to say that as a responsible and ethical breeder I do show, so that I can see how the breed is progressing, and how mine are adequately meeting the breed standard, talk amongst other breeders, meet new people that are interested in the Maine Coon breed and educate them on this magnificent breed. Shows are really a great way to see not only Maine Coons but, other cat breeds as well, its a perfect opportunity to come out and see and meet the breeders behind the kittens/cats, you can also then see what breed might suit you the best.